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Monday, April 01, 2013

Bolsa Estudu - Perguntas sira nebé bai-bain mosu durante Entrevista ba Bolsa-Estudu

Perguntas sira nebé bai-bain mosu durante Entrevista ba Bolsa-Estudu
  (Edisaun ida ne'e, foka liu ba, lista perguntas (nebe bele le iha okos), maibe karik presiza oinsa prepara no buka respostas ba perguntas sira iha okos ne'e, bele klik iha ne'e)

Dalabarak kolega sira liu tiha etapa primeiru husi selesaun ba aplikasaun bolsa-estudu, sira hanoin sira nia serbisu hotu ona no hanoin katak sira liu tiha ona prosesu tomak. Koalia husi eisperiensia hanesan ema nebé manán ona bolsa-estudu dala rua, hau atu dehan katak, sei iha tan etapa 2 tuir mai nebé mos la’os fásil. Hanesan ita hotu hatene, sei iha tan ezame IELST no mos entrevista. Hau sei la koalia kona ba ezame IELTS maibé sei koko atu hakerek uitoan kona ba entrevista.

Balu dehan katak “entrevista ne’e diak hela, hau ba rega tun rega sa’e mos diak hela”. NE’E LA LOS! Tamba entrevista ne’e mak tempu ida importante ba tester sira atu hatene ita nia seriedade, kuñesimentu ba kursu nebé ita foti, ita nia kapasidade atu remata ita nia kursu, independensia, kompromissu ba ita nia rai depois de remata kursu, no buat seluk-tan. Hau sempre lembra hau nia professor ida dehan ho lian Ingles antes ba eventu sira hanesan entrevista, ho termu 5P. Iha Ingles 5P ne katak, “PRIOR PREPARATION PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE” katak preparasaun antes nebé diak, prevene performance nebé ladiak. Atu dehan deit katak, Preparasaun ne’e importante tebes.

Dala ida tan Preparasaun. Se mak atu ba entrevista, tenke prepara-an didiak antes ba.
Pergunta tuir mai, saida mak presiza atu prepara. Atu hatán pergunta ne’e no mos hatán ba títulu nebé hau hakerek iha leten, presiza prepara husu ita nia-an ho pergunta sira nebé bai-bain mosu. Karik ita bele hatán, ou presiza prepara-an no buka resposta nebé relevante no bele ajuda diak liu tan ita nia entrevista.

   (Bele hare mos TIPS atu buka respostas ba perguntas balu nebe hakerek iha okos ne'e..Cick iha ne'e)

Atu la dada naruk, pergunta sira nebé bai-bain mosu mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:
  1. Tell me about yourself (Ida ne’e pergunta primeiru nebe bai-bain mosu mos iha entrevista servisu)
  2. What is your motivation to apply for the scholarship? (Tips buka resposta ba ida ne'e bele click no le iha ne'e)
  3. Can you tell us, why do you want to study on this specific course? 
  4. Karik balu foti business studies, hanesan Management, HRM, accounting, presiza buka hatene mos differensia entre kursu sira ne’e nia aplikasaun iha business sector ho public sector. Ezemplu, “Australia is a business-oriented country, where accounting (or HRM) that you will study will very much business oriented. What is the difference between HRM (or Accounting) in private sector and public sector). What is your position facing this dilemma?
  5. What will this course provide you?
  6. Can you describe your knowledge and passion in your field of studies?
  7. Why the study program is important for you?
  8. How do you see this area of study will be benefit for the development in Timor-Leste? What knowledge and skill will you get? How relevant are they to the development of Timor-Leste?
  9. What is your goal in to study this course? What do you do or what is your plan/strategy in order to achieve this goal? 
  10. Can you identify any specific challenge(s) that possibly arise while you study in this course? How will you overcome them?
  11. Can you verify any major discipline/subject that has become the highlight on your chosen field? What are the subjects that you think you will study?
  12. Have you been able to identify any university or college that may offer this course?
  13. How do you justify this course of preference in comparing to your current degree? Ne’e karik ita nia S1 iha area seluk no agora atu foti S2 iha area nebé totalmente diferente.
  14. Why do you think we (the committee) should offer you the scholarship? What makes you think that you are eligible for the scholarship? Why do you think you deserve for the scholarship? Why should we choose you?
  15. Would you come back to serve your country after you get the scholarship? How would you contribute back to the country? In what specific action? (presiza tau iha neon katak, resposta dehan katak “when I come back I want to contribute to the development of Timor-Leste” ne’e deit la sufisiente, se la explika mos ho asaun konkretu saida?
  16. What future career do you expect? How do you apply the new skill (study program) to support the development of your country?
  17. What is your understanding about ...... in East Timor? (karik ita foti Public Policy, sira husu, what is your understanding / what do you know about Timor-Leste's politics, foti karik HRM, what do you know about HRM in East Timor, etc) Kunesimentu jeral kona-ba situasaun no kondisaun jeral Timor nian iha relasaun ho kursu nebe ita foti.
  18. Tell me about a personal achievement that makes you proud.
  19. Tell me about a mistake that you made and what you learned from it.
  20. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?
  21. Who has influenced your life and why?
  22. Any other issue you would like to discuss about? Any questions

Koko buka prátika atu hatán perguntas hirak iha leten. Se ita bele hatán la sidi, no katak ita iha opiniaun barak atu hatán, ne’e sinal diak, maibé, karik sente ba labele hatán, ne sinal katak, ita ladún iha kartus atu ba funu.

Boa sorte ba sé deit mak hakarak atu tuir entrevista no hau hein katak informasaun ne’e bele ajuda maluk balu prepara-an diak liu tan.

Le mos:


Anonymous said...

Maun nee informasaun diak tebes, hanesan hau ida neebe gosta los atu ba kontinua estudu iha rai liur maibe laos fasil, bolsu de estudu ida neebe fo husi USAID ho PROBETO ne, hau tenta priense essay iha formulariu bolsu de estudu maibe too iha klaran bilang tiha deit agora para hela, atu book fali mos baruk, obgdo



Bill Soares said...

Thanks for the comments Jomy and rucavesotetadeaux ..

Unknown said...

Obrigado barak, desde nee h buka loos exemplo sra hnsan nee. Foin mk hetan, h fti formulario ADS dala 2 na mas la knsegue htama tnb dt bingung ou lhtne atu hkerek saida b essay sra ne, obrigado barak mao....

Unknown said...

Obrigado barak, desde nee h buka loos exemplo sra hnsan nee. Foin mk hetan, h fti formulario ADS dala 2 na mas la knsegue htama tnb dt bingung ou lhtne atu hkerek saida b essay sra ne, obrigado barak mao....

Todinho de Jesus said...

Bro merese atu simu award ba website ida nee tmb ajuda timor oan brak liu husi sites ida nee...gudwork..keep up

Bill Soares said...

Obrigado barak ba komen sira hotu.