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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Oinsa Atu hatan Essay iha Bolsa Estudu Hillary Clinton nian

Hau koko hakerek  revista badak ne'e kona ba oinsá atu hakerek essay nebé iha formuláriu bolsa-estudu Hillary Clinton nian (uluk naran PROBETO), hanesan mata dalan ba ita atu dezenvolve ita nia essay diak liu tan.

Pergunta mak iha okos ne'e
1.       (b) What is your motivation for applying for the Hilton Clinton scholarship to study in the U.S.? (a) Describe why you have chosen your field of study and (d) explain how you will use what you have learned in the U.S. to contribute to the development of Timor-Leste’s economic, political and/or social future. (c) Include information on how your life, educational, and work experiences as well as community activities and involvement have contributed to your decision and prepared you for this scholarship.

Dalan diak liu atu hatan pergunta ida ne’e (tuir hau nia hanoin) mak koloka fali pergunta hirak iha leten ne’e (muda nia urutan) tuir a, b, c no d hanesan hau tau iha leten. Hau hakerek fali iha okos ne’e. 

a.       Describe why you have chosen your field of study (deskreve tamba sa mak ita hakarak hili kursu ida ne’e
b.      What is your motivation for applying for the Hilton Clinton scholarship to study in the U.S. (Saida mak motiva (fo motivasaun ba) ita hodi aplika ba bolsa-estudu Hilton Clinton?
c.       Include information on how your life, educational, and work experiences as well as community activities and involvement have contributed to your decision and prepared you for this scholarship (inklui informasaun kona ba experiensia eskola, no  experiensia serbisu nune’e mos atividade komunidade  no partisipasaun iha komunidade nebe kontribui mos ita nia hanoin hodi desidi foti kursu (jurusan) ida ne’e.      
d.       Explain how you will use what you have learned in the U.S. to contribute to the development of Timor-Leste’s economic, political and/or social future. Explika oinsa ita atu uza saida mak ita aprende ona iha EUA hodi bele kontribui fali ba dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku, politika, no social iha Timor-Leste iha futuru?

Hau tau ezemplu ida iha okos ne’e.
Agora dadaun servisu hela nudar asistente akuntan iha supermerkadu Lider, tan neé nia hakarak atu ba foti kursu akuntabilidade. Hau koko hakerek ho Tetum, atu bele fasilita ita kumpriende essay nia estrutura (alur pikiran).

Maka neé deit, boa sorte,
Karik balu presiza  ezemplu husi pergunta seluk, mak hau sei post tan.

Hein katak bele fahe ona informasaun ba balu nebe presiza tulun, hodi bele hanoin diak liu tan nune'e bele dezenvolve nia essay diak liu tan

Hakuak boot ba belun sira hotu,


Domin bosok said...

Obrigada + Ita Fae Ona experiência uitua iha Blog ne, uitua maibe hw fiar katak bele bermanfaat mai ami.

Bill Soares said...

De nada

Zhario Barreto said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

thanks.for this olopotunition
I want fine the new school in scholarship to study in the U.S.?

Unknown said...

Thasfull for you ❤️🙏